Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting


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September 6, 2015 • Day 4

250,000 at Final Meeting

Not only did the hundreds of thousands on the field hear the gospel through the week, but Radio Christian Voice broadcasted the meetings live all across the country. The gospel was heard in Kitwe, Livingstone, Ndola, Solwezi and beyond!

September 5, 2015 • Day 3

Holy Chaos - Lusaka, Zambia

It is worth mentioning that I have heard over and over from the local pastors how extraordinary the church participation is. One top bishop told me that in the past they had struggled just to get a couple hundred churches to work together. But for this crusade, more than one thousand churches are participating!

September 4, 2015 • Live Before You Die - Study Series

But I’m Not Ready Yet - Part 6

Delayed obedience is disobedience! I have found this to be one of the most common reasons people fall short of the will of God in their lives. So many people are continuously waiting for the “right time” before they step out and do what God has called them to do. Reinhard Bonnke once told me, “Those who forever seek the will of God are overrun by those who do it.”

September 4, 2015 • Day 2

Interrupted by a Witch Doctor - Lusaka, Zambia

Tonight the crowd grew to 120,000! Needless to say, the pastors are on “cloud 9.” They’ve never seen meetings like these before. One pastor approached me after I preached tonight and said, “I realize that we have neglected the gift of the evangelist.” He told me that they've honored the bishops and apostles, but he said, “we need evangelists!” He believes God will use this crusade to raise up a new generation of evangelists and I agree with Him.

September 3, 2015 • Day 1

He Was Eating Dirt! - Lusaka, Zambia

Over 80,000 people were in attendance in the first meeting! The services are being broadcasted across the nation on Christian Voice Radio. I was invited to meet and pray with the first president of Zambia and founding father of the nation, Kenneth Kaunda. The press have shown great interest and there is an electricity in the air as the people have come full of faith and expectation that God will do something extraordinary here this week.

August 25, 2015 • About

About Lusaka

Lusaka is the capital and largest city of Zambia. One of the fastest-developing cities in Southern Africa, Lusaka is located in the southern part of the central plateau at an elevation of about 1,279 metres (4,195 feet). English is the official language of the city, however, Nyanja and Bemba are also common.

Lusaka Province is one of Zambia's ten provinces. As the centre of both commerce and government in Zambia, the city connects to the country's four main highways heading north, south, east and west.

August 21, 2015 • Live Before You Die - Study Series

But I Don't Have Enough Talent Part 5

Whenever I hear people use these excuses, it reminds me of when God called Moses in Exodus 3. The Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a burning bush and said, “Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt” (v. 10). Immediately Moses’s mind filled with excuses—all the things he didn’t have and couldn’t do.

August 7, 2015 • Live Before You Die - Study Series

But I Don't Have Enough Money Parts 3 & 4

Financial needs are one of the most practical barriers to fulfilling our dreams. Many times the money issue boils down to a faith issue. We make excuses because we are not fully convinced that God will provide for our needs. The next few sentences will change your life and even your destiny if you will allow them to sink deep into your heart.

July 24, 2015 • Live Before You Die - Study Series

But I’m Waiting on the Lord (Part 2)

This is one of those excuses that sounds so spiritual. Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying there is never a legitimate reason to wait on the Lord. But remember, we use excuses to soothe our own conscience, and the more sincere they sound, the better. Yes, there might be a legitimate time to wait on the Lord, but this can also be, and often is, nothing more than an excuse not to do what we already know to do.

July 10, 2015 • Live Before You Die - Bible Series

The Sedative of Excuses (Part 1) Introduction

Jesus said, “Seek, and you will find” (Matt. 7:7, nkjv), and this is especially true of excuses. If you are looking for an excuse, you can always find one. Some people are too young. Some are too old. Some are not smart enough. Some are not experienced enough. Some are not privileged enough. Some don’t have enough money. Some don’t have the right abilities. For some it’s not time yet; for others it’s too late. Excuses are a penny a pound, plentiful and cheap—and God does not buy them!